Noticed You

by Noticed You



Description Noticed You is designed to connect people who have experienced a ‘mutual notice’ in publ...

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Description Noticed You is designed to connect people who have experienced a ‘mutual notice’ in public and allowsthem to interact via messaging directly through the site. The site is free to join but upgradeable featurescan be purchased as well. The following are descriptions of features throughout the site:ProfileUsers will be able to create a profile which will have the option to post a profile photo,cover photo and basic info about the user.FavoritesUsers will be able to favorite other members and can also be favorited by others.PhotosUsers will be able to post 8 photos as free members but can post an additional 8 photosas upgraded members. Photos can be cropped.Photo AlbumIn addition to photos, users will be able to post photos to a Photo Album, essentiallygrouping photos in one location.MessagingUsers will be able to message each other, block users and delete conversations.Online UsersThere is a button located throughout the site which allows users to view other membersthat are currently online within a 30-mile radius of the users’ zip code.UsernamesUsers will create a ‘username’ at their discretion. Noticed You does not require thatusers use their own personal names as their username.Find Who Noticed YouThe find who noticed you feature is unique in that it allows users to locate the personwith whom they experienced a ‘mutual notice.’ When attempting to locate a person theuser simply will use the filters which include State, City, Specific Location and KeyIdentifiers. Key Identifiers are any descriptive item of clothing that either person waswearing during the mutual notice. Note: key identifiers can be items other thanclothing, it can be a vehicle as well or anything that will assist in identifying e.g., KeyIdentifiers can look like this: Blue Dress, White Car, Black Pants. Free users will be ableto use 3 Key Identifier filters.Upgraded members will be allowed to use an additional 3 filters for a total of 6 and willalso be allowed to search using a Username filter as well. Upgradeable feature buttonssuch as Username Search, Additional Key Identifiers and Additional Photos are shaded ingray and once clicked the user will be redirected to the Payment Options page.Users will be able to search by Distance by inputting miles in increments of 10 miles witha max of 80 miles. Users can also search by Age Range. Note: It is not necessary to havenoticed someone in public to browse other singles on the site.Edit IdentifiersWhen editing identifiers, a user must enter as many details as possible in the EditIdentifiers page. The idea is that the person that they noticed will also enter a fewmatching details (details do not all need to match), in hopes of returning the personthey noticed during their search. Key Identifiers, State, City, Specific Location and ZipCode editable fields on the Edit Identifiers page.Zip Code: The entered zip code here will allow the user to be displayed in othermember searches. For example, when a user searches by zip code, when beingdisplayed on the Photo Slider on the main page and in Online Users.48-hour Wipe of fields: After 48 hours of inactivity on this page, a users’ informationwill be deleted. The reason behind this is to ensure that the user is actively using thisfeature and not returning in user searches while not using the service.Photo SliderAs new members begin populating the site, the photo slider on the main page willdisplay members of the opposite sex within a 90-mile radius. This is a trial and can beadjusted to a shorter distance by Noticed You.Note: Prior to becoming a member and when a person is just deciding whether to createa profile or not, both male and female members will be displayed on the photo slider.Up to 40 members will be displayed on the Photo Slider.Terms of Use: